Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Khối 11 - Unit 13: Hobbies - Lesson A: Reading

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  4. 01 Vocabulary 02 Task 1 03 Task 2 04 Task 3
  5. 01 Vocabulary
  6. accomplished (adj) /əˈkʌmplɪʃt/ = talented, highly skilled He was an aaccomplished talented musician.
  7. accompany (v) /əˈkʌmpəni/ play an instrument with another musician or singer Ex: Taylor accompanies her friend with her guitar.
  8. modest (a) /ˈmɒdɪst/ not very large
  9. avid (a) /ˈổvɪd/ very enthusiastic, extremely interested Ex : She is an avid reader.
  10. discard (v) /dɪˈskɑːd/ -> discarded (adj) to throw st away because you don’t want/need it anymore. I will discard it in the trash.
  11. indulge in (v) /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ to allow yourself to do st that you like Ex: He really indulge in swimming
  12. keep sb occupied = keep sb busy
  13. Vocabulary 1. accomplished (a) /əˈkʌmplɪʃt/ 2. accompany (v) /əˈkʌmpəni/ 3. modest (a) /ˈmɒdɪst/ 4. avid (a) /ˈổvɪd/ 5. discard (v) /dɪˈskɑːd/ -> discarded (adj) 6. indulge in /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ 7. keep sb occupied
  14. 1 TASK 1 Match the main ideas to the paragraphs.
  15. Paragraph Main idea 11 A. The second hobby: Keeping fish B. The introduction of the writer’s 22 hobbies 33 C. The writer’s feeling about his/her hobbies 4 D. The writer’s most favorite hobby: Playing guitar 5 E. The third hobby: Collecting stamps
  16. TASK 2 2 Answer the question
  17. 1 Who taught the writer to play the guitar? 2 Why does the writer admire his uncle? Task 3 How did he collect his fish? 2 4 Where does he collect the stamps? What does the writer do with the less common 5 stamps and with the common ones?
  18. 1. Who taught the writer to play the guitar? His uncle taught him to play the guitar
  19. 2. Why does the writer admire his uncle? Because his uncle is an accomplished guitarist and he’s good at accompanying people singing with his guitar.
  20. 3. How did he collect his fish? He bought some from the shop and collected some from the rice field near his house.
  21. 4. Where does he collect the stamps? He collects them from discarded envelops his relatives and friends give him.
  22. 5. What does the writer do with the less common stamps and with the common ones? He keeps the less common stamps inside a small album. The common ones he usually gives away to others or if no one wants them he simply throws them away.
  23. TASK 3 3 Choose the best answer.
  24. Question 1 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others A. admire B. avid C. variety D. while
  25. Question 2 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others A. occupy B. simply C. accompany D. hobby
  26. Question 3 Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others. A. hobby B. guitar C. modest D. common
  27. Question 4 Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others A. discarded B. succesful C. profitably D. accomplished
  28. Question 5 They collect stamps from discarded envelopes. A. given up B. thrown away C. looked for D. done up
  29. Question 6 She can sing and dance very well. She is very A. accomplished B. avid C. free D. busy
  30. Question 7 I both do housework and take care of my children which keep me occupied all day. A. busy B. happy C. modest D. eager
  31. Question 8 I often in watching the beautiful fish tank in my free time. A. indulge B. move C. include D. interested in
  32. Question 9 My father often my mother with his guitar. A. plays B. accompanies C. collects D. keeps
  33. Question 10 He indulges in collecting a lot of stamps. He’s an stamp collector. A. free B. simple C. avid D. common
  34. WHAT WHERE My hobby is reading. HOBBIES I often read on the bed. WHEN WHY I like reading when I have free time. Reading helps me to relax and get more knowledges.