Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 11 - Exercises on gerund - Present participle - perfect gerund - perfect participle - Tran Thi Huong

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  1. Exercises on Gerund - Present participle - Perfect gerund - Perfect participle Teacher: Tran Thi Huong Le Quy Don High School Optional lesson plans School year: 2020-2021
  2. Exercises on Gerund and Present participle Gerund (Danh động từ) I. Hình thức: V-ing II. Chức năng: Danh động từ có thể làm: 1/ Chủ từ (Subject) Ex: Collecting stamps is my hobby. 2/ Túc từ của động từ: Ex: She enjoys watching cartoons. 3/ Túc từ của giới từ: Ex: He is interested in learning English. 4/ Bổ ngữ cho chủ từ (Subject Complement) Ex: Her joy is helping the homeless.
  3. Exercises on Gerund and Present participle Present participle (Hiện tại phân từ) I. Hình thức: V-ing II. Chức năng: 1/ Dùng trong các thì tiếp diễn: be + Present participle (V-ing) Ex: It is raining now. 2/ Dùng như một tính từ (mang nghĩa chủ động và thường miêu tả vật) Ex: The film is interesting. It’s an exciting journey. 3/ Thay cho một mệnh đề phụ trong câu - Mệnh đề quan hệ: khi đại từ quan hệ làm chủ từ và mệnh đề quan hệ là mệnh đề chủ động thì được - thay bằng hiện tại phân từ. Ex: The girl who lent me this book is my best friend. →The girl lending me this book is my best friend.
  4. Exercises on Gerund and Present participle Present participle (Hiện tại phân từ) - Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian: Ex: Since he left school, he has worked in a restaurant. → Leaving school, he has worked in a restaurant. - Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lý do: hai mệnh đề phải cùng chủ từ Ex: Because he drove carelessly, he had an accident. → Driving carelessly, he had an accident.
  5. Exercises on Gerund and Present participle Perfect Gerund (Danh động từ hoàn thành) I. Hình thức: having + V3/-ed II. Chức năng: dùng thay cho hình thức hiện tại của danh động từ khi chúng ta đề cập đến hành động trong quá khứ Ex: He was accused of having stealing their money.
  6. Exercises on Gerund and Present participle Perfect participle (Phân từ hoàn thành) 1. Hình thức: having + V3/-ed 2. Chức năng - Dùng rút ngắn mệnh đề khi hành động trong mệnh đề đó xảy ra trước. Ex: + He finished all his homework and then he went to bed. → Having finished all his homework, he went to bed. - Dùng rút ngắn mệnh để trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian. Ex: + After he had fallen from the horse back, he was taken to hospital and had an suraery. → After having fallen from the horse back, he was taken to hospital and had an suraery.
  7. Exercises on Gerund and Present participle Exercise 1: Choose the most suitable option to complete the sentence. 1. . only three hours, I can hardly focus on my work. A. Having slept b. was slept c. slept d. sleeping 2. . . up late is harmful for skin. A. Staying b. to stay c. stayed d. have stayed 3. . . from so much trouble in the life makes her more and more mature than before. A. Suffering b. was suffered c. has suffered d. suffered 4. . . this movie last week, I still wanted to see it again. A. Having seen b. had seen c. was seen d. seeing 5. Mary is the cleverest person in the classroom. She is always the first person the question. A. To answer b. answering c. has answered d. answered 6. Her boss caught him privately in the working time, so he was fired. A. Speaking b. spoken c. to speak d. was speaking
  8. Exercises on Gerund and Present participle 7. Dan appears . some weight. Has he been ill? a. Having lost b. having been lost c. to have lost d. to have been lost 8. Are you sure you told me? I don’t recall . about it. a. Having told b. having been told c. to have told d. to have been told 9. Tome made a bad mistake at work, but his boss didn’t fire him. He is happy about . a second chance. a. Giving b. having been given c. to have been given d. to give 10. When I called them, they didn’t answer. They pretended . already. a. To sleep b. sleeping c. having slept d. to have been sleeping 11. . the bottles, Mike poured the drinks for everyone. a. To open b. to have opened c. being opened d. having opened
  9. Exercises on Gerund and Present participle Exercise 2. For question 1-10, fill in the verbs in brackets as participles (Present participle or past participle) into the gaps 1. He saw his friend going out with Sue (to go) 2. The bus crashed into the blue car driving down the hill. (to drive) 3. Peter hurt his leg doing karate. (to do) 4. The umbrella .found at the bus stop belongs to John Smith. (to find) 5. The people dancing in the street are all very friendly. (to dance) 6. I heard my mother talking on the phone. (to talk) 7. My uncle always has his car washed . (to wash) 8. We stood .waiting for the taxi. (to wait) 9. . .looking down from the tower we saw many people walking in the streets. (to look) 10. The people drove off in a stolen car. (to steal)
  10. Exercises on Gerund and Present participle Exercise 3. Rewrite each of the following sentences with present participle or perfect participle. 1. Christopher apologized. He’d forgotten to pay. → Christopher apologized for having forgotten to pay. 2. When Tom had repaired the car, he took it out for a road test. → Having repaired the car, he took it out for a road test. 3. The porter just stood there. He expected a tip. → The porter just stood there expecting a tip. 4. Because he was the youngest child, Natasha was her father’s favorite. → Being the youngest child, Natasha was her father’s favorite. 5. Mitchell picked up the phone and dialed a number → Picking up the phone, Mitchel dialed a number
  11. Exercises on Gerund and Present participle 6. He left the phone ring for 5 minutes and then slowly replaced the receiver. → Having left the phone ring for 5 minutes and then slowly replaced the receiver. 7. After she had worked hard all day, Sarah was exhausted. → Having worked hard all day, Sarah was exhausted. 8. We saw Rupert. He was looking into a shop window. → We saw Rupert looking into a shop window. 9. Since Daniel had spent all his money, he couldn’t afford a new jacket. → Having spent all his money, Daniel couldn’t afford a new jacket. 10. He took out a gun and put it in his briefcase. → Taking out a gun he put it in his briefcase.