Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 11 - Unit 1: The generation gap - Lesson 3: Reading

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  1. Unit 1 The generation gap READING: WHERE DO CONFLICTS COME FROM?
  2. Watch the video and tell your thinkings.
  3. 1. You are going to read a text about the conflicts between parents and their teenage children. Which of the following do you think you may find in the text? a. parents and children having different tastes in music. b. parents’ strong opinions about everything related to their children.  c. children’s objection to the way their parents treat them like small kids.  d. parents’ objection to their children's clothes.  e. parents’ expectations of their children's better use of free time. f. parents’ strong views about their children's education and future jobs.  g. parents and children having different beliefs. 
  4. Conflict (n,v) /kən'flikt/ cuộc xung đột, mõu thuẫn Brand name /ˈbrổnd neɪm/ Hàng hiệu, thương hiệu Afford (v) /ə'fɔ:d/ Cú khả năng chi trả Impose (v) /im'pəʊz/ Áp đặt Independent (a) /,indi'pendənt/ độc lập, khụng phụ thuộc Treat (v) /tri:t/ đối xử Norm (n) /nɔ:m/ Sự chuẩn mực Break rules and norms Phỏ vỡ quy tắc và chuẩn mực /breik ru:l ổnd nɔ:m/
  5. 3. Match the highlighted words in the text with the definitions below. 1. have enough money to buy something afford 2. make somebody accept the same opinions or impose ideas as you 3. the name given to a product by the company brand that produces it name 4. standards of behavior that are typical or accepted within a particular group or society norms 5. situations in which people are involved in a serious disagreement or argument conflicts
  6. 1. Why do most parents still treat their teenage children like small kids? 2. What do children want to be and do as they grow up? 3. Why are parents concerned about the clothes their teenage children want to wear? 4. How do parents want their children to spend their free time? 5. Do all parents let their children choose a university and career? 1. Because2. They wantthey stronglyto be more believe independent, they know create what their is best forown their opinions, children. and make their own decisions. 5.3. No, They4. Theysome are wantof worried them their try because children to impose these to spendtheir clothes choises their may of break universityrulestime and in or anorms morecareer ofuseful on society, their way. orchildren. distract them from schoolwork.