Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 4 - Unit 4, Lesson 2: When's your birthday

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 4 - Unit 4, Lesson 2: When's your birthday

  2. 1. Look, listen and repeat : Happy birthday , Linda. oh! What a nice cake! b Thank you. a Yes . It’s my birthday today. When’s your birthday,Mai? c It’s on the fifth of March.
  3. Unit 4 . When is your birthday? ( Lesson 2 ) * Vocabulary: - January: thỏng 1 - July: thỏng 7 - February: thỏng 2 - August: thỏng 8 - March: thỏng 3 - September: thỏng 9 - April: thỏng 4 - October: thỏng 10 - May: thỏng 5 - November: thỏng 11 - June: thỏng 6 - December: thỏng 12
  4. Slap the board.
  5. * Sentences: It’s on the ninth of January Hỏi xem sinh nhật của bạn là khi nào và trả lời ? A: When’s your birthday? B: It’s on the fifth of March. . - When’s = When is It’s = It is
  6. Unit 4 . When is your birthday? ( Lesson 2 ) 2. Point and say :
  7. 2. Point and say : first of January
  8. Unit 4 . When is your birthday? ( Lesson 2 ) 2. Point and say : When’s your birthday? It’s on the
  9. Unit 4 . When is your birthday? ( Lesson 2 ) 2. Point and say : When’s your birthday? It’s on the ninththird of JanuaryMay.
  10. 3. Let’s talk 1. What is the date today? It’s the of 2. When’s your birthday? It’s on the of
  11. Unit 4 . When is your birthday? ( Lesson 2 ) 1. Look, listen and repeat: 2. Point and say: 3. Let’s talk: * Vocabulary : *Sentences: January: thỏng 1 February : thỏng 2 When’s your birthday? March : thỏng 3 It’s on the fifth of March. April : thỏng 4 May : thỏng 5 June : thỏng 6 July : thỏng 7 August : thỏng 8 September : thỏng 9 October : thỏng 10 November : thỏng 11 December : thỏng 12
  12. 4.Listen and number: 3 1 4 2
  13. Learn new words and model sentences. 1. Làm bài 2 trang 62 vào vở Chuan bị bài cho tiết học tới.
  14. Bye, bye. TheSee bye you tomorrow.bye song Bye, bye. See you tomorrow. Bye, bye. See you tomorrow. Bye, bye. Bye, bye.
  15. Thank You Good Bye. See you later. Trân Trọng Kính Chào quý thầy giáo, cô giáo. 18