Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 10: Sources of Energy - Lesson 1: Getting started

ppt 17 trang phanha23b 04/04/2022 2270
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  1. Mai Who are they? What are they talking about? What is a different type of footprint?
  2. Vocabulary: - negative effect (n) : tác động tiêu cực - environment (n) : môi trường - It’s in the news (exp) : trên bản tin, trên báo chí - produce (v) : tạo ra - (non)-renewable (a) : (không) tái tạo - run out (n) : cạn kiệt - use sth up (v) : sử dụng . hết - solar panel (n) : tấm pin năng lượng mặt trời
  3. M: Nam, I read yesterday that we all have a carbon footprint. N: Well, we all have footprints – we make them with our feet! M: Ha ha, I know that. But this kind of footprint is about the negative effect we have on the environment. N: Right, it’s in the news a lot these days. M: So our footprint is bigger when we use energy that produces carbon dioxide. That’s bad for the environment. N: So it’s better to have a smaller footprint, right?
  4. M: Right, Nam. Non-renewable energy sources like coal, natural gas, and oil produce a lot of carbon dioxide. Those sources are going to run out soon too. N: So, they’re different to wind, hydro, and solar? M: Yes, they’re all sources of energy too, but they’re renewable. That means we can’t use them all up – they will last forever. N: Do you have a big carbon footprint, Mai? M: Mine’s small. I recycle the products I use and I go everywhere by bike. We have solar panels on our roof at home to catch the sun’s energy, too. N: Oh no! I think my footprint is big, and not just because of these big shoes!
  5. a. Read the conversation again and answer the questions. 1. What is a carbon footprint? 2. What does 'non-renewable energy' mean? 3. Why is sunlight a renewable source? 4. Why does Mai think she has a small carbon footprint? 5. What things do you think might create a big carbon footprint?
  6. a. Read the conversation again and answer the questions. 1. What is a carbon footprint? It’s about the negative effect we have on the environment. 2. What does 'non-renewable energy' mean? ‘Non-renewable energy’ means that it will run out if we use it. 3. Why is sunlight a renewable source? Sunlight is a renewable source because we can’t use it all up, it will last forever.
  7. a. Read the conversation again and answer the questions. 4. Why does Mai think she has a small carbon footprint? Mai thinks she has a small carbon footprint because she recycles the products she uses and she goes everywhere by bike. 5. What things do you think might create a big carbon footprint? The products we use that are bad for the environment or the energy we use that produces carbon dioxide might create a big carbon footprint.
  8. b. Complete the network below using information from the conversation. SOURCES OF ENERGY RENEWABLE NON- SOURCES RENEWABLE SOURCES NATURAL SOLAR HYDRO WIND COAL OIL GAS
  9. 2. Now, listen and repeat the words and phrases. natural wind coal nuclear gas biogas oil hydro solar
  10. 3. Put the words into the correct groups below. wind coal natural gas nuclear biogas oil hydro solar Renewable sources Non-renewable sources Example: wind Example: coal
  11. Remember
  12. 4. Practise asking and answering the questions about renewable and non renewable sources. A: What type of energy source is wind? B: It’s a renewable source of energy. A: What type of energy source is coal? B: It’s a non-renewable source.
  13. Please tell me what you have learnt today. Yes, through the lesson you can now name some types of energy sources; we can use words to describe energy sources; we can also distinguish what types are good/bad for environment;.
  14. - Learn the new words by heart. - Practice the dialogue again. - Do exercises B1 in workbook (page 30). - Prepare for Unit 10: A closer look 1.