Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 7 - Unit 4: Music and Arts - Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 7 - Unit 4: Music and Arts - Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1

  1. Game: WORD PUZZLE M U S I C A L I N S T R U M E N T S This puzzle consists of 18 word squares, relating to something that people use to make sound/ melodies to entertain themselves and other people.
  2. Unit 4: Music and Arts Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1
  3. I. Vocabulary. 1. New words:
  4. 2. Listen and repeat these words. (Ex1-p40) painter artist actress musician puppet dancer singer song writer Check: how many words are there? What are you going to do? Yes, please listen and repeat Sau đó gọi 2 hs đọc lại
  5. 3. Matching. - Match the words in A with a phrase in B. (Ex2-p40) A B 1. play a. a song 2. draw b. a portrait 3. write c. a photo 4. work d. as an actor 5. take e. the guitar Cho 2 bạn của 2 nhóm lên bảng nối sau khi check cho hs đọc đồng thanh 1 lần
  6. 4. Jumbled words. Put these letters in order to make musical instruments (Ex3a-p40) . • 1. rmud = drum • 2. noaip = piano • 3. lloec = cello • 4. trauig = guitar • 5. linvoi = violin • 6. xohonepas = saxophone One by one go to the board and put the
  7. 5. Writing. Write the type of musical instruments in the box under each picture. (Ex3b-p40) a cello a saxophone a violin a guitar Dan Bau a piano a drum (one string guitar) 1 2 3 4 6 7 5
  8. 6. Gap-fill. Put one of these words in each blank to finish the sentences. (Ex4-p40) singer draw instrument painter puppet pop 1. My father’s friend is a great . 2. music is not as exciting as rock and roll. 3. The . I like most is Karen Carpenter. 4. I like to . cartoons. 5. Many tourists to Viet Nam come to see the water show. 6. In Viet Nam, the Dan Bau is a traditional musical .
  9. II. Pronunciation. 1. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sounds /ʃ/ and /ʒ/ (Ex5-p40) • /ʃ/ : condition ocean shy sugar machine • /ʒ/ : measure pleasure usual vision television
  10. 2. Listen to the words and put them into two groups. (Ex6-p40) anxious closure musician diswasher occasion leisure television rubbish /ʃ/ /ʒ/
  11. 3. Listen and repeat the sentences. Underline the words with the sound /ʃ/ once. Underline the words with the sound /ʒ/ twice. (Ex7-p40) 1. Can you show me the new machine? 2. They sing the song ‘Auld Lang Syne’ on some occasions. 3. The musician is very anxious about the next performance. 4. She wanted to share her pleasure with other people. 5. The new cinema is opposite the bus station. 6. Are you sure this is an interesting television programme?
  12. A B 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  13. Congratulations! Lucky number
  14. Listen and call out the name of the musical instrument Dan Bau
  15. Listen and call out the name of the musical instrument Violin
  16. Listen and call out the name of the musical instrument Guitar
  17. * Give a word with the sound /ʒ/
  18. * Give a sentence which has the sound /ʃ/
  19. - Learn by heart all the new words. - Practise words with the sounds /ʃ/, and /ʒ/. - Do exercises A1, A2 (page 28/ workbook). - Prepare new lesson: Unit 4. Lesson 3. A closer look 2
  20. Congratulations! Lucky number
  21. Congratulations! Lucky number
  22. I. Vocabulary. 1. New words: - puppet (n): con rối. - water puppetry (n): múa rối nước - closure (n): sự kết thúc - cello (n): đàn vi ô lông xen - saxophone : kèn saxophone - decision (n): sự quyết định - leisure (n): thời gian rỗi, lúc thư giãn - vision (n): tầm nhìn (rộng)
  23. 2. Listen and repeat these words. (Ex1-p40) painter artist actress musician puppet dancer singer songwriter
  24. NOTES: - CÓ THỂ DÙNG BÀI TẬP Jumbled words để kiểm tra từ mới - Bài tập 2 có thể show tranh ra trước rồi hỏi và cho hs đọc (slide 16) -Phần Vocabulary: bài tập 4 có thể ra về nhà làm -Phần pronunciation: bài 7 ra về nhà: -Post: cho hs tìm những từ đã học có chứa 2 âm đó -Chơi trò chơi: stand up and sit down - Tiến trình: (tham khảo) warm up – I. vocabulary. 1. new words(checking: ex 3a) - 2. Listen and repeat (Ex1) - 3. Writing (Ex3b) - 4. Matching. (Ex 2) - II. Pronunciation. -
  25. • - Too: diễn tả sự đồng ý khẳng định(cuối câu) • Ex1: S1: I am busy tonight • S2: I am,too. = So am I • Ex2: S1:I like learning English. • S2: I do, too. = So do I. • So: diễn tả sự đồng ý khẳng định( Đầu câu, đảo ngữ) • - either: diễn tả sự đồng ý phủ định( cuối câu) • Ex1: S1: I am not clever. • S2: I am not,either= Neither am I • Ex2: S1: I don’t like Music. • S2: I don’t,either.= Neither do I • - Neither:diễn tả sự đồng ý phủ định (đầu câu, đảo ngữ)