Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 5: Study habits - Lesson 6: Language focus (1,3,4)

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  1. Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Firday, October 26th, 2018 Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS(1,3,4) I. Adverds of manner. II. Commands, requests and advice in Reported Speech.
  2. Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Firday, October 26th, 2018 Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS(1,3,4) I. Adverbs of manner: Trạng từ chỉ thể cách 1. Form: Adjective + ly = Adverb of manner Adjective Adverb of manner Meanings Careful Carefully Cẩn thận Soft Softly Nhẹ nhàng Bad Badly Tồi tệ, Dở He is careful. * Ngoại lệ: He is a careful driver. Good Well Tốt, giỏi Fast Fast Nhanh, Mau He always drives carefully. Hard Hard Chăm chỉ beautifully. 2. Uses: * Dùng để diễn tả cách thức của hành động. * Đứng sau động từ thường để bổ nghĩa cho động từ thường.
  3. Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Firday, October 26th, 2018 Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS(1,3,4) Exercise 1. Complete the dialogue. Use the adverbs of manner in the box. softly fast badly hard a. Hoa: Does Mrs. Nga speak English? Lan: Oh, Yes. She speaks English well (o) . b b. Hoa: Ba .always gets excellent grades. Lan: That. ’s because he studies (1) . c. Hoa: That’s our bus! Lan: Rund. (2) and we might catch it. d. Hoa: I’m very sorry. I know I behaved (3) . Lan: It’s all right. e. Hoa: I can’t hear you, Lan Lan: Sorry, but I’m speaking (1) because I have a sore throat.
  4. Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Firday, October 26th, 2018 Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS(1,3,4) Exercise 1. Complete the dialogue. Use the adverbs of manner in the box. softly fast badly hard a. Hoa: Does Mrs. Nga speak English? Lan: Oh, Yes. She speaks English (o) well . b b. Hoa: Ba .always gets excellent grades. Lan: That’s. because he studies (1) . c. Hoa: That’s our bus! Lan: Rund. (2) and we might catch it. d. Hoa: I’m very sorry. I know I behaved (3) . Lan: It’s all right. e. Hoa: I can’t hear you, Lan Lan: Sorry, but I’m speaking (1) because I have a sore throat.
  5. Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Firday, October 26th, 2018 Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS(1,3,4) II. Commands, requests and advice in reported speech. Câu mệnh lệnh, yêu cầu, lời khuyên trong lời nói gián tiếp * Lời nói trực tiếp là kể lại nguyên văn lời của một người khác, được để trong dấu ngoặc “ ” và sau dấu : * Lời nói gián tiếp là kể lại lời của một người khác bằng lời văn của mình, không còn dấu ngoặc “ ” dấu : “ Please give Tim this 1. Commands: Câu mệnh lệnh. dictionary” a. Model sentences: Miss Jackson said: “ Please give Tim this dictionary” Miss Jackson told me to give you this dictionary. b. Form: S + told + O + to + V_inf . c. Use: *Dùng để sai bảo ai việc gì. *S là ngMissười đ Jacksonưa ra mệ nhtold lệ nh.me to give O là người nhyouận thisvà th dictionary.ực hiện mệnh lệnh .
  6. Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Firday, October 26th, 2018 Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS(1,3,4) II. Commands, requests and advice in reported speech. 2. Requests: Câu yêu cầu. “Can you a. Model sentences: give Tim this Miss Jackson said: “ Can you give Tim this dictionary?” dictionary?” Miss Jackson asked me to give you this dictionary. b. Form: S + asked + O + to + V_inf . c. Use: * Dùng để yêu cầu ai làm việc gì. *S là người đưa ra lời yêu cầu. O là ngMissười Jacksonnhận và thaskedực hi ệ n yêu cầu. me to give you this dictionary.
  7. Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Firday, October 26th, 2018 Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS(1,3,4) Exercise 3 : Work with a partner . Report Miss Jackson’s comands and requests in her conversation with Tim’s mother. 1. Commands: Câu mệnh lệnh. S + told + O + to + V_inf . 2. Requests: Câu yêu cầu. S + asked + O + to + V_inf . a. “Please wait for me outside my office.” => Miss Jackson told me to wait for her outside her office. b. “Please give Tim his report card for this semester.” => Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card for this semester. c. “Can you help Tim with his Spanish pronunciation?” => Miss Jackson asked me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation. d. “Can you meet me next week?” => Miss Jackson asked me to meet her next week.
  8. Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Firday, October 26th, 2018 Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS(1,3,4) II. Commands, requests and advice in reported speech. Câu mệnh lệnh, yêu cầu, lời khuyên trong lời nói gián tiếp 3. Advice: Lời khuyên. a. Model sentences: Miss Jackson said: “ Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation” Miss Jackson said you should work harder on your Spanish pronunciation. b. Form: S1 + said + S2 + should + V_inf . c. Use: Tim should work harder on his *Dùng để khuyênSpanish ai làm pronunciation. việc gì. * S1 là ngMissười Jacksonđưa ra lờ saidi khuyên. you should S2 là ngworkười nh harderận và onthự yourc hiệ nSpanish lời khuyên. pronunciation.
  9. Exercise 4: Work with a partner. Report Miss Jackson’s advice she gave in her conversation with Tim’s mother : S1 + said + S2 + should + V_inf a. “Tim should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation.” => Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation. b. “Tim should practice speaking Spanish everyday.” => Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking Spanish everyday. c. “Tim should listen to Spanish conversations on TV.” => Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish conversations on d. TV.“Tim should practice reading aloud passages in Spanish.” => Miss Jackson said you should practice reading aloud passages in Spanish. e. "Tim should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words. => Miss Jackson said you should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words.
  10. Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Firday, October 26th, 2018 Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS(1,3,4) Exercise: Rewrite the following sentences: 1. Lan is good at English. => Lan speaks English well. 2. Mrs Nga said: “ Please clean the board, Thu.” => Mrs Nga told Thu to clean the board. 3. Mrs Nga said: “ You should improve your English.” => Mrs Nga said we should improve our English. 4. Mrs Nga said: “ Can you close the window, Nhi?” => Mrs Nga asked Nhi to close the window.
  11. - Learn grammar & stuctures about reported speech - Prepare next lesson: Unit 6_Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen & read
  12. Unit 5: STUDY HABITS Firday, October 26th, 2018 Lesson 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS(1,3,4) Exercise 3 : Work with a partner . Report Miss Jackson’s comands and requests in her conversation with Tim’s mother. 1. Commands: Câu mệnh lệnh. S + told + O + to + V_inf . 2. Requests: Câu yêu cầu. S + asked + O + to + V_inf . a. “Please wait for me outside my office.” => Miss Jackson told me to wait for her outside her office. b. “Please give Tim his report card for this semester.” => Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card for this semester. c. “Can you help Tim with his Spanish pronunciation?” => Miss Jackson asked me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation.d. “Can you meet me next week?” => Miss Jackson asked me to meet her next week.