Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 9 - Unit 5, Lesson 4: The media

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 9 - Unit 5, Lesson 4: The media

  1. Unit 5: Lesson 5. WRITE Ho Thi Huong secondary school 4/19/2021 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh Thảo 1
  2. Period 31 Warm up Pre-writing While-writing Post-writing Homework 4/19/2021 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh Thảo 2
  3. 4/19/2021 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh Thảo 3
  4. 4/19/2021 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh Thảo 4
  5. Introduction - Write a topic  sentence. Supporting - Firstly, Secondly, ., sentences  Finally Conclusion  - Sum up the content. 4/19/2021 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh Thảo 5
  6. Response # 2Re: The Internet ResponseReadPresentthe #forum3Re: Thesimpleon Internetthe Internet tensein 5. Read Ex:Postedagain. Thenby Honghoatalk about the benefits and the PostedResponsedisadvantagesby Huansui# 1Reof: ThetheInternetInternet. Nobody can deny the benefits of the Posted- ThePeopleInternetby Sandra use theisMorgana Internetvery fast for manyand convenient purposes: InternetThe Internetin our postedlife. However,by Jimhelloit isona Tuesday,pity for me education, communication, entertainment and Inasway10my Decemberwelltoopinion,getasinformationfor 2002,themost Internetat 9.07of. pm.myis a friendsvery fastinandthe commerce. However, the Internet has limitations. convenientcountrysideway. TheforInternetme to getisinformationavailable only. I canin It- isPeople notThe only useInternet timethe- consumingInternethas increasingly for and many costlydeveloped purposes: but also alsocities,communicatetherefore I cannotwitheasilymygetfriendsaccess andto it. dangerousand become becausepart of ofour viruseseveryday and lifebad. Do you relativesIeducation,sometimesby communication,meansvisit myof unclee-mail entertainmentin orthechattingcity on . programs.find the Internet Moreover,useful? InternetWhat usersdo you sometimesuse the However,andweekends, commerce.I anddon’tthisuseis thea goodInternetoccasionvery foroftenme haveInternet to sufferfor? variousHow much riskstime suchdo asyou spamspend or becauseto exploreI don’tthe nethave. I muchspendtimemost. Forof theme, timethe electronicsurfing the junkweb mail,a andday? personalPlease informationrespond to Internetwanderingis a becausewonderfulI inventionjust don’tof modernknow whichlife. leaking.these questions So, while. enjoying surfing, be alert ! Itwebsitemakesisourusefulworldfora smallme. village. 4/19/2021 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh Thảo 6
  7. Benefits Disadvantages ➢ Getting information ➢ Time-consuming, costly ➢ Communicating with ➢ Spam/ electric junk friends and relatives mail. ➢ Education ➢ Personal information ➢ Entertainment leaking ➢ Commerce ➢ Viruses, bad programs 4/19/2021 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh Thảo 7
  8. 1.What can you say about the development of the Internet ? Is the Internet useful? -1increasingly.What can youdevelopsay about/ becomethepartdevelopmentof our everydayof thelife -Internetuseful in? manyIs the waysInternet useful? 2. Why is the Internet a source of information? -2a. Whyfast andis theconvenientInternet awaysourceto getof informationinformation? -3read. Canelectronicyou say thenewspapersInternet /achecksourceweatherof entertainment?condition -Whycommunicate? /Why notwith? friends, relatives 3. Can you say the Internet a source of entertainment? Why4 . Is? /Whythe Internetnot ? also a means of education ? Give -yourlistenreasons to music/. watch movies/play games /read novels 4 . Is the Internet also a means of education ? Give your reasons. - learn English / look up a dictionary/ on-line schools/ on- line lessons/ self-study 4/19/2021 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh Thảo 8
  9. 423 .Can IsWhythe we do Internetcommunicate you say alsothe Internet witha means our a friends sourceof education andof relatives? Give by using 1the. Is internet?the Internet useful? yourentertainment?reasons. →→→Yes,BecauseYes,it iswe. We →canI canYes,can. listenitlearnis. toEnglish, music, lookwatchup moviesa dictionary and and takeplaypart games in on-line lessons Lucky picture 1 2 3 A B + + 100102030405060708090 100102030405060708090 4/19/2021 4 5 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh6 Thảo 7 9
  10. Work in groups. Write a passage about theBenefits benefits of the of Internet the Internet. The Internet has Benefitsincreasingly of developed and become part ofGroupour everyday 1: life. It’s useful in many ways. Firstly, it is a sourcethe Internetof information. It is a fast and convenientThe introductionway to get andthe newsthe .conclusionYou can read. electric newspapersGroup. You 2:can check weather condition before you go camping,developmentfishing ora sourcego on ofa holidaya. sourceYou ofcan communicatea means of entertainment withThefriends internetor relatives asinformation aby sourcemeans of ofemail information.or chattingeducation. Secondly, the Internet is a source of entertainment. You can- increasinglylistenGroupto music, 3:- readwatch electronicmovies - listenand toplay musicvideo- learngames English. You candevelopread the latest newspapersnovels or poems- watch. movies - look up a -ThebecomeFinally internet part of, the- check Internetas weathera sourceis also- playuseful of games entertainment.in educationdictionary. It is a meansourGroup everydayof education 4: condition. You can learn- reada foreignnovels language- on-linesuch as English,life look up- communicatea dictionary .- You can take aschoolstraining or learning-Thebe useful internetcourse in . with as friends, a means of education.- on-line manyIn waysconclusion,relatives the Internet brings us lotslessonsof benefits - self- study which make our life more modern and convenient- . And it makes4/19/2021our world a small Teacher:village Hà Thị .Minh Thảo 10
  11. 4/19/2021 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh Thảo 11
  12. Disadvantages of the Internet. 4/19/2021 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh Thảo 12
  13. HOMEWORK Rewrite the passage into notebooks. Prepare for Unit 5- Language focus. 4/19/2021 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh Thảo 14
  14. 4/19/2021 Teacher: Hà Thị Minh Thảo 15