Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Preserving the Environment - Lesson 3: Reading

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  1. UNIT 9: PRESERVING THE ENVIRONMENT Presented by: 1. Pham Thi Kim Tuyen 2. Bui Thi Phuong Anh
  2. VOCABULARY ➢ Environmental preservation : /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəl/ /ˌprezəˈveɪʃən/ (np) sự bảo tồn mơi trường ➢ Impact /ˈɪmpỉkt/ (n) sự ảnh hưởng ➢ Deforestation (n) /diːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃən/ sự phá rừng ➢ Global warming (np) /ˌɡləʊbəl ˈwɔːmɪŋ/ sự nĩng lên tồn cầu ➢ Fossil fuel (np) /ˈfɒsəl ˌfjʊəl/ nhiên liệu ➢ Depletion (n) /di'pli:ʃn/ sự cạn kiệt – deplete (v) /diˈpliːt/ cạn kiệt ➢ Greenhouse effect (np) /ˈɡriːnhaʊs ɪˌfekt/ hiệu ứng nhà kính ➢ Polar ice melting (np) /ˈpəʊlər aɪs ˈmeltɪŋ/ sự tan bang ở địa cực ➢ Sea level (np) /ˈsiː ˌlevəl/ mực nước biển
  3. ➢ Cut down sth (np) /kʌt daʊn/ chặt cây ➢ Non-renewable (adj) /ˌnɒn rɪˈnjuː.ə.bəl/ khơng tái tạo – renewable (adj) /rɪˈnjuː.ə.bəl/ tái tạo ➢ Trap (n) /trỉp/ cái bẫy để bắt động vật ➢ Water vapour (np) /ˈwɔːtə ˌveɪpər/ hơi nước ➢ Consumption (n) /kənˈsʌmpʃən/ sự tiêu dùng ➢ Contaminate (v) /kənˈtỉmɪneɪt/ làm bẩn, nhiễm ➢ Environmentalist (n) /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəlɪst/ nhà mơi trường học ➢ Natural resource (np) /ˈnỉtʃərəl ˈrisɔrs/ năng lượng thiên nhiên ➢ Disposal (n) /dɪˈspəʊzəl/ chất thải ➢ Chemical spray (np) /ˈkemɪkəl spreɪ/ bụi hĩa chất ➢ Land arid (np) / /lӕnd ˈӕrid/ đất khơ cằn
  4. ➢ Ecosystem (n) /ˈiːkəʊˌsɪstəm/ hệ sinh thái ➢ Acid rain (np) /ˌỉsɪd ˈreɪn/ mưa axit ➢ Vegetation (n) /ˌvedʒɪˈteɪʃən/ hệ thực vật ➢ Lead (to sth) (v) /liːd/ dẫn đến ➢ Dump /dʌmp/ (v) đổ, vứt rác ➢ Organic /ɔ:'ɡỉnɪk/ (a) hữu cơ ≠ inorganic/inɔ:'ɡỉnɪk/ (a) vơ cơ ➢ Chemical fertilizer (np) /ˈkemɪkəl ˈfɜːtɪlaɪzər/ phân bĩn hĩa học ➢ Detergent /dɪ'tɜ:dʒənt/ (n) chất tẩy rửa ➢ Pesticide /'pestɪsaɪd/ (n) thuốc trừ sâu ➢ Rubbish blockage /ˈrʌbɪʃ ˈblɒkɪdʒ/ sự tắc nghẽn rác thải
  5. ➢ Degradation(n) /ˌdeɡrəˈdeɪʃən/ sự giảm sút chất lượng – degrade (v) /dɪˈɡreɪd/ giảm sút chất lượng ➢ Erosion (n) /ɪˈrəʊʒən/ sự xĩi mịn ➢ Sewage (n) /ˈsuːɪdʒ/ nước cống ➢ Aquatic (adj) /əˈkwỉtɪk/ dưới nước, sống dưới nước ➢ Endangered (adj) /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd/ nguy cơ tuyệt chủng ➢ Run out (phrasal verb) /ran aʊt/ hết ➢ Tap (v) /tỉp/ vịi nước ➢ Rinse SO hands / rɪns hỉnd/ rửa tay
  6. ➢ World Wide Fund for Nature = WWF /wɜːld waɪd fʌnd fɚ ˈneɪtʃər/ quỹ thiên nhiên thế giới ➢ Biological diversity /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl /daɪˈvɜːsəti/ đa dạng sinh học ➢ Sustainable (adj) /səˈsteɪnəbəl/ duy trì ➢ Climate change (np) /ˈklaɪmət ˌtʃeɪndʒ/ biến đổi khí hậu ➢ Harmony (with) (n) /ˈhɑːməni/ hịa hợp với ➢ Poverty (n) /ˈpɒvəti/ sự nghèo đĩi ➢ Sea creature (np) / siː ˈkriːtʃər/ sinh vật biển ➢ Germ (n) /dʒɜːm/ mầm bệnh
  7. Lesson 3: Reading
  8. I. VOCABULARY ecosystem/'i:kəʊsɪstəm/ (n) hệ sinh thái all the plants, animals, and people living in an area considered together with their environment as a system of relationships E. g: the ecosystem of coral is abundant.
  9. - vegetation /vedʒə'teɪʃn/ (n) Plants in general hệ thực vật E.g: Acid rain damages vegetation
  10. Acid rain (np) /ˌỉsɪd ˈreɪn/ mưa axit rain that contains large amounts of harmful chemicals E.g: Burning fossil fuels can cause acid raid
  11. Pollutant (n) /pəˈluːtənt/ chất gây ơ nhiễm Things that make the air, water and soil unclean or contaminated E.g: These pollutants are extremely dangerous and harmful.
  12. Chemical fertilizer (np) /ˈkemɪkəl ˈfɜːtɪlaɪzər/ Chemicals use to kill insects phân bĩn hĩa học
  13. pesticide/'pestɪsaɪd/ (n): a chemical used to kill insects thuốc trừ sâu
  14. - detergent /dɪ'tɜ:dʒənt/ (n): chất tẩy rửa chemical substance in the form of a powder or a liquid for removing dirt from clothes, dishes, etc.
  15. - organic/ɔ:'ɡỉnɪk/ (a) inorganic/inɔ:'ɡỉnɪk/ (a) hữu cơ vơ cơ Related to animals, plants or unrelated to animals, plants or trees trees E.g: Organic fertilizers are good for E.g: Inorganic fertilizers can damage plants the soil.
  16. - dump /dʌmp/ (v) get rid of something unwanted đổ, vứt bỏ E. g: She is dumping the rubbish.
  17. Lead (to sth) (v) /liːd/ dẫn đến it causes that thing to happen or exist E.g: dumping rubbish leads to environmental pollution
  18. Rubbish blockage /ˈrʌbɪʃ ˈblɒkɪdʒ/ the act of stopping something passing through sự tắc nghẽn rác thải
  20. Rules • 2 teams • Each team chooses a lotus then answer the question in this lotus • Correct answer: 10 point • Incorrect answer: - 10 point • Complete whole lotuses the frog prince will find out the princess
  21. 3 2 1 4 9 8 10 5 7 12 11 6
  22. Plants in general ecosystem vegetation inorganic
  23. What is this? inorganic organic vegetation
  24. Chemicals use to kill insects ecosystem Chemical fertilizer pesticide
  25. What’s this? dump pesticide Rubbish blockage
  26. all the plants, animals, and people living in an area considered together with their environment as a system of relationships: vegetation ecosystem organic
  27. Related to animals, plants or trees organic inorganic vegetation
  28. What are those? Chemical fertilizer pesticide pollutants
  29. What are those? Chemical fertilizers detergents pesticides
  30. What’s this? dump Contribute to sth Lead to sth
  31. What’s this? dump Lead to pesticide
  32. rain that contains large amounts of harmful chemicals rain Acid rain pesticide
  33. Things that make the air, water and soil unclean or contaminated: fertilizers pollutants pesticide
  34. Complete the following sentences with suitable words from the box: g. pesticide 1. Intensive insecticide and ___ sprays in agriculture made the soil contaminated. 2. the burning of fossil fuels ___a. leads to air pollution. 3. ___c. Dumping the rubbish into river can cause water pollution. 1. ___e. Acid rain damages water, soil and___b. vegetation. 2. Soil pollution is a result of ___d. dumping inorganic ___waste in the ground and the overuse of ___j. chemical fertilizers 3. Water pollution is caused by dumping___k. pollutants such as pesticides or ___h. detergents 4. ___i. Rubbish blockages in rivers can cause pollution 5. ___f. Ecosystem is a complex set of relationships among the living resources, habitats, and residents of an area. It includes plants, trees, birds, .
  35. Rules • 2 teams • Each groups choose a number and make a meaningful sentence • Time: 10 seconds to discuss and then write the answer on the board • There is a lucky number and an unlucky number • Lucky number: bonus 1 point • Unlucky number: no chance to answer • Correct answer: 1 point • Incorrect answer: 0 point
  36. 1 3 4 2 5 END
  37. 107850431269 Make a meaningful sentences with two words: pesticdes, chemical fertilizers and ecosystem Suggestion: The use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture has an impact on the ecosystem.
  38. Look at the picture then make a 10785431269 meaningful sentence to describe Suggestion: Acid rain is formed from the burning of natural fuels in the factory.
  39. 107850431269 • Make a meaningful sentence with two words: • Rubbish blockages and lead to Suggestion: Rubbish blockages lead to environmental pollution.