Bài giảng môn Tiếng anh Lớp 8 - Unit 1: Leisure activities - Lesson 2: A closer look 1

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng môn Tiếng anh Lớp 8 - Unit 1: Leisure activities - Lesson 2: A closer look 1

  1. English 8 UNIT 1 . PERIOD 3: A CLOSER LOOK 1
  2. -Socialise (v) : giao lưu,giao tiếp để tạo mối quan hệ -Communicate (v) : giao tiếp -Pie chart (n) : biểu đồ hình tròn
  3. 1. Look at the pie chart on leisure activities in the USA. LEISURE TIME ON AN AVERAGE DAY Other leisure activities Relaxing and thinking (18 minutes) (17 minutes) Using the computer (25 minutes) Watching TV (2.8 hours) Doing sports and exercise (19 minutes) Socialising and communicating TOTAL LEISURE AND SPORTS (39 minutes) Reading TIME = 5.1 HOURS (20 minutes)
  4. 1. Look at the pie chart and answer the questions. 1. How much leisure time did people in the US have on an average day in 2012? 5.1 hours. Reading, watching TV, using computers, . 2. What did they do in their leisure time? Watching TV, socialising and communicating, and using the computer. 3. What were the three most common activities?
  5. 2. Complete the table with information from the pie chart. Name of activity Verb Relaxing relax Thinking think Using use Doing do Watching watch Reading read Socialising socialise Communicating communiate
  6. 3. Look at the words. Match them to the category labels. 1. skateboarding, 2. a novel, poetry, 3. the news, a reality football, badminton a magazine show, a comedy 6. going to local 4. a new language, 5. collecting stamps, performances, visiting a skill making origami museums. 7. visiting relatives, going 8. texting, going to the shopping, doing DIY cinema, hanging out a. Learning something b. reading c. Spending time with family interesting d. Having hobbies e. Playing sports f. Watching TV g. Socialising with friends h. Going to cultural places
  7. Discuss: 1. How much time do you spend a day on leisure activities? Two hours 2. What are the three activities that you do the most? Watching movies,Listening to music,Reading book
  8. Clusters: /br/ or /pr/
  9. 1. Complete the words under the pictures with /pr/ or /br/. 3. ___aceletbr br 1. a ___icotpr 2. ___br ridge 4.___ead 7. ___esentpr 8. ___occolibr 6.___pr esident 5. ___incesspr
  10. 2. Listen and repeat. 1. She loves making apricot jam. 2. My dad likes making bread in his free time. 3. Hen is our club president. 4. Mai keeps all her bracelets in a beautiful bags. 5. You will need a brush if you want to paint your room. 6. This is a wonderful present. Thanks so much!
  11. Practice Clusters /br/ or /pr/ again. Do exercise in workbook Be ready for A Closer look 2