Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 13: Films and cinema - Lesson 1: Reading

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  1. Cartoon
  2. Love story film (romantic film)
  3. Detective film
  4. Action film
  5. Horror film
  6. Science fiction film
  7. Funny film
  8. Crime movie
  9. Historical film
  10. National cinema center
  11. Answer the questions  Do you want to see a film at the cinema or on TV?  Can you name some of the films you have seen? Before you read you Before  Which kinds of film do you like most? Why?
  12. Vocabulary 1. still (a): đứng yờn Warm up 2. motion /'mou∫n/ (n): sự chuyển động Pre - reading 3. decade /'dekeid/ (n):= 10 years thập niờn While - 4. rapidly /'rổpidli/ (adv):=một quickly cỏch nhanh chúng reading Post - 5. character /'kổriktə/ (n): nhõn vật reading 6. audience /'ɔ:djəns/ (n) : khỏn giả Homework Ex:7. replaceHe has just /ri'pleis replaced/ (v):anthay old bikethế with a new one.
  13. Check vocabulary decade motion Thập niờn replace audience characters
  14. Predict whether these statements are True or False Warm up 1. The history of cinema today began in the early 18th century. Pre - reading 2. By 1905, films were about five or ten While - minutes long. reading 3. In the early 1920s,audiences were able to Post - enjoy the first long films. reading 4. The cinema changed completely at the end Homework of 1920s.
  15. While you read
  16. True oror False Warm up 1. The history of cinema today Pre - began in the early reading 18th century . While - reading Post - reading Homework 1. The history of cinema today began in the early 19th century .
  17. True or False Warm up 2.By 1905, films Pre - reading were about five While - or ten minutes reading long. Post - reading Homework
  18. True or False Warm up 3.In the early Pre - 1920s,audiences reading were able to enjoy While - reading the first long films. Post - reading Homework 3.In the early 1910s, audiences were able to enjoy the first long films.
  19. True or False Warm up Pre - 4.The cinema reading changed While - completely at the reading end of 1920s. Post - reading Homework
  20. Task 1: Match the words in the box with their given definitions. A- rapidly B- scene C- cinema Warm up D- sequence E- character F- decade Pre - 1. ___ film - making industry reading 2. ___ series of related events or actions While - reading 3. ___ a period of ten years Post - reading 4. ___ quickly and in a short time Homework 5. ___ part of a film 6. ___ a person in a film.
  21. Warm up Decide which of the options below is Pre - the best title for the passage: reading While - reading The Story of a Film Maker Post - reading A Brief History of Cinema Homework The History of the Film Industry
  22. TaskTask 33:: WorkDiscussin thegroupsfollowing: Answerquestionsthe following. questions Warm up 1. When did the history of cinema begin? Pre - reading 2. Did films in the early days have sound? While - 3. When were audiences able to see long films? reading 4. When was sound introduced? Post - reading Homework1213141617181920212224081001020405070300090623251511
  23. Unit 13: Films and cinema - Lesson 1:Reading Lucky numbers Warm up Pre - reading 11 22 33 While - reading Post - reading Homework 66 55 44
  24. 6059585756555453525150494847464544434241403938373635343332313029282726252423222120191817161514131210090807060504030211 Talk about the passage,using the cues below. Sound was introduced and 19th century the musical In the early 19th century, the Warm up cinema appeared history of cinema began Pre - 1920s reading 1905 While - reading In 1905, films were Post - about 5-10 minutes reading long (early films lasted only 1 minute) Homework 1915 1910s Cinema really became The first long films were made an industry.
  25. 1. When did the history of cinema begin? The history of what we call cinema today began in the early 19th century. At that time, scientists discovered that when a sequence of still pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement. In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly. In those early days, films were little more than moving photographs, th usually Inabouttheoneearlyminute19in lengthcentury. By 1905. , however, films were about five or ten minutes long. They used changes of scence and camera positions to tell a story, with actors playing character parts. In the early 1910s, audiences were able to enjoy the first long films, but it was not until 1915 that the cinema really became an industry. From that time, film makers were prepared to make longer and better films and build special places where only film were shown. The cinema changed completely at the end of the 1920s. This was when sound was introduced. The change began in America and soon spread to the rest of the world. As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones on the screen, a new cinema form appeared, the musical cinema.
  26. 2. Did films in the early days have sound? The history of what we call cinema today began in the early 19th century No,. At theythat time,didn’tscientists. discovered that when a sequence of still pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement. In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly. In those early days, films were little more than moving photographs, usually about one minute in length. By 1905, however, films were about five or ten minutes long. They used changes of scence and camera positions to tell a story, with actors playing character parts. In the early 1910s, audiences were able to enjoy the first long films, but it was not until 1915 that the cinema really became an industry. From that time, film makers were prepared to make longer and better films and build special places where only film were shown. The cinema changed completely at the end of the 1920s. This was when sound was introduced. The change began in America and soon spread to the rest of the world. As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones on the screen, a new cinema form appeared, the musical cinema.
  27. 3. When were audiences able to see long films? The history of what we call cinema today began in the early 19th century They. At thatweretime,ablescientiststo seediscoveredlong filmsthatinwhentheaearlysequence1910of stills pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement. In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly. In those early days, films were little more than moving photographs, usually about one minute in length. By 1905, however, films were about five or ten minutes long. They used changes of scence and camera positions to tell a story, with actors playing character parts. In the early 1910s, audiences were able to enjoy the first long films, but it was not until 1915 that the cinema really became an industry. From that time, film makers were prepared to make longer and better films and build special places where only film were shown. The cinema changed completely at the end of the 1920s. This was when sound was introduced. The change began in America and soon spread to the rest of the world. As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones on the screen, a new cinema form appeared, the musical cinema.
  28. 4. When were sound introduced? The history of what we call cinema today began in the early 19th century The. At soundthat time,werescientistsintroduceddiscoveredatthatthewhenend aofsequencethe 1920of stills. pictures were set in motion, they could give the feeling of movement. In the first two decades of its existence, the cinema developed rapidly. In those early days, films were little more than moving photographs, usually about one minute in length. By 1905, however, films were about five or ten minutes long. They used changes of scence and camera positions to tell a story, with actors playing character parts. In the early 1910s, audiences were able to enjoy the first long films, but it was not until 1915 that the cinema really became an industry. From that time, film makers were prepared to make longer and better films and build special places where only film were shown. The cinema changed completely at the end of the 1920s. This was when sound was introduced. The change began in America and soon spread to the rest of the world. As the old silent films were being replaced by spoken ones on the screen, a new cinema form appeared, the musical cinema.
  29. HomeworkHomework Warm up Memorise all the new vocabulary Pre - Reread the passage reading While - Do all the tasks reading Post - reading Homework