Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 2: My home - Period 13, Lesson 6: Skills 2

ppt 19 trang phanha23b 04/04/2022 4760
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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 2: My home - Period 13, Lesson 6: Skills 2

  1. REMEMBERING GAME The rule: Teacher will show a picture. Students have only one minute to remember all the objects in the picture. The group which remember more objects in the picture will have right to give the answers but if the answers are not correct, the winner will belong to the other.
  4. I. LISTENNING 1. Listen and draw the furniture in the correct place. c b e d g f g a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  5. I. LISTENNING 1. Listen and draw the furniture in the correct place. c b e g d f g a
  6. II. WRITING An e-mail to a friend Writing tips – How to write an e-mail to a friend 1. In the subject line, write briefly what the e-mail is about. 2. Begin the e-mail with a greeting (Dear/Hi/Hello ,) 3. The introduction is the first paragraph. We can ask about his/her health, thank him/her for the previous e-mail or write the reasons for e-mailing, etc. 4. In the body, write the subject(s) of the e-mail. Write each subject in a new paragraph. 5. The conclusion is the last paragraph. It includes the closing remarks: saying goodbye, asking your friend to write back, sending your regards to his/ her family, etc.
  7. This is Nick
  8. 2. Read Nick’s e-mail again. Identify the subject, greeting, introduction, body and conclusion of the e-mail. Subject Greeting Introduction Body Conclusion
  9. 4. Write an e-mail to Nick. Tell him about your idea for the new room of the Crazy House Hotel -Plan Brainstorm vocabulary about your room. -Draft Write a draft. -Check Check your draft: is the punctuation correct? Is the capitalization correct? Does it have all necessary parts?
  10. From: Phong@quickmail.com mailTo: Nick@fastmail.com Subject: The new room of the Crazy House Hotel Dear Nick, Thank you for your previous letter. I know you are staying in the Tiger room. How do you think about the Bear room? I like bears so I think you should stay in it. In the new room,
  11. From: Phong@quickmail.com mail To: Nick@fastmail.com Subject: The new room of the crazy house Dear Nick, I received your email last night. I think your room at the Crazy House Hotel is very messy and uncomfortable. You should move to another room. In the new room, there are two windows. There is a sofa with a table and two stools. There is a fireplace next to the door. There is a wardrobe next to the bed. On the wall next to the bed, there is a map of Vietnam and a beautiful picture of Love valley. I think you will like it. It’s great, isn’t it? See you soon. Phong
  12. SPEAKING Situation: Your family is moving to a new house but your parents are very busy so you have to decorate and arrange the furniture in the room yourself. Draw a picture and tell your friends about your room.
  13. HOME WORK • Exercise 3. • Prepare for looking back and project
  14. 3 Read the e-mail below and correct it HHi iSSophiaophia,, TThankshanks forfor youryour ee-mailmail NNowow II’ll’ll telltell youyou aboutabout mymy househouse II livelive withwith mymy parentsparents andandyounger youngerbrother brotherin aintown a townhouse house. It ‘s big. It. ‘sThere big. areTheresix rooms are six: a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, rooms: a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms. I like my twobedroom bedrooms,best. Wande’re twomoving to an bathroomsapartment . soonI like. myWhat bedroomabout you? bestWhere. Wdoe’reyou movinglive? toTell anme in your apartmentnext e-mail .soon. What about you? WBestherewishes do you, live? Tell me in your nextMi e-mail. Best wishes,