Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 6 - Unit 8: Sports and games - Lesson 2: A closer look 1

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng anh Lớp 6 - Unit 8: Sports and games - Lesson 2: A closer look 1

  1. Good afternoon Everybody WELCOME TO MY CLASS
  2. Kim’s game Sports & Games
  3. tennis Sports & Games football
  4. Unit 8: SPORTS AND GAMES Period 66 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 (P.18)
  5. *Vocabulary -Sports shoes (n): giày thể thao -Skateboard (n): ván trượt -Goggles (n): Kính ( bơi lội ) -Racket (n): Cây vợt -Skis (n): ván trượt tuyết 
  6. * Checking : Slap the pictures
  7. *Set the scene Tell me more about the things for sports and games that you know
  8. *WhoI. Listen is andfaster repeat ? these words. 1. a ball 5. goggles 2. sports shoes 6. a racket 3. a boat 7. skis 4. a skateboard 8. a bicycle
  9. II. Tell the names of the pictures. 1.___a bicycle 2. ___a ball 3. ___sports shoes 4. ___skis 5.___a boat 6. ___a racket 7.a ___ skateboard 8. ___goggles
  10. III. Match the things in column A with a sport/game in column B. A B Keys 1. bicycle a. running 1.c 2. ball b. swimming 2.d 3.sports shoes c. cycling 3.a 4. skis d. ball games 4.e 5. boat e. skiing 5.g 6. skateboard f. tennis 6.h 7. goggles g. sailing 7.b 8. racket h. skateboarding 8.f
  11. IV. /eə/ and /ɪə/. /eə/ 1. /eə/: where there fair pair prepare 2. /ɪə/:here fear nearly idea /ɪə/ volunteer 
  12. V. Read and choose which word has /eə/ or /ɪə/. 1. A. air/eə/ B. are C. I’m /eə/ 2. A. physics B. feather C. aerobics /eə/ 3. A. stay B. stair C. stadium /ɪə/ 4. A. beer B. bird C. born /eə/ 5. A. show B. share C. shine /ɪə/ 6. A. sphere B. spring C. swim
  13. VI. Listen to the sentences and choose the right words. 1. Fair / Fine play is important in sports. 2. Can you hold / hear me, mum? 3. I haven’t got any idea / fear. 4. The stadium is near the square / statue. 5. Beckham nearly / really missed the ball. 6. The football fans cheered / chased loudly for their side.
  14. * Production: One or Two drill /eə/ (one) and /ɪə/ (two)
  15. What do you do to keep fit and stay healthy?
  16. ❖Learn new words ❖Prepare Unit 8. A closer look 2.