Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 6: Out Tet holiday - Lesson 5: Skills 1

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  1. ENGLISH 6 SCHOOL YEAR: 2018-2019 Phamminhnhat.thcshthh@quangtri.edu.vn
  2. Match activities at Tet with groups of people Activities Groups of people 1.They take some red feathers from the rooster and The Thai, ThaiLand stick them to the drawings of the sun The H’Mong, VietNam in there houses 2.They join to throw The Japanese, japan water over people The Scottish, 3. The Temple all Scotland over their country ring bells 108 times 4. They clean their house 5
  3. Unit 6 OUT TET HOLIDAY Phamminhnhat.thcshthh@quangtri.edu.vn
  4. UNIT 6:OUT TET HOLIDAY Lesson 35 : SKILLS1 I. Vocabulary: (to) strikes midnight Điểm 12giờ đêm Cheer(V) Cổ vũ Bow (V) Cúi đầu, cúi chào Respect/ ríspekt/ (n) Sự kính trọng Shrimp(n) Con tôm Clock strikes Twelve 5
  5. UNIT 6: OUR TET HOLYDAY LESSON 5: SKILLS 1 Look at the pictures of children and the names of the countries first to answer the question
  6. UNIT 6: OUR TET HOLYDAY LESSON 5: SKILLS 1 What is his name? His name’s Russ Where is he from? He is from The USA
  7. UNIT 6: OUR TET HOLYDAY LESSON 5: SKILLS 1 What is his name? His name’s WU Where is he from? He is from China
  8. UNIT 6: OUR TET HOLYDAY LESSON 5: SKILLS 1 What is her name? Her name’s Mai Where is she from? She is from VietNam
  10. Which countriesThe USA, are China you andgoing VietNam to read about?
  11. II.Reading 1. ORDERING STATEMENTS PREDICTION A. RUSS B. WU C. Mai Dogs are lucky animals. Their barking sounds like the “gold”. STATEMENTS WHO I often go to Times Square with my parents 1. A dog is a good present c to welcome the New Year. 2. The child welcomes the New Year at Times Square They will give us lucky money in red envelopes. After that, we go out and have a day full of fun, 3. The child gets lucky money good food and laughter . 4. Giving rice is wishing for enough food At Tet people present rice to wish for enough food, red fruits for happiness. 5. The child dresses beautifully I love the first day of the new year most 6. One shouldn’t eat shrimps at the New Year After getting up we dress beautifully festival Don’t eat shrimps. They move backwards and you will not succeed In the new year .
  12. UNIT 6: OUR TET HOLYDAY LESSON 5: SKILLS 1 II.Reading Children in different countries are talking about their New Year. Read the passages. I often go to Times Square with my parents to welcome the New Year. When the clock strikes midnight, colorful fireworks light up the sky. Everybody around is cheering and singing happily. I love that moment so much
  13. UNIT 6: OUR TET HOLYDAY LESSON 5: SKILLS 1 II.Reading Children in different countries are talking about their New Year. Read the passages. I love the first day of the new year.year most. After getting up we dress beautifully and go to the main room. There my grandparents sit on a sofa. We bow and say our wishes to them. They will give us lucky money in red envelopes. After that, we go out and have a day full of fun, good food and laughter .
  14. UNIT 6: OUR TET HOLYDAY LESSON 5: SKILLS 1 II.Reading Children in different countries are talking about their New Year. Read the passages. I learnt some beliefs about Tet from my parents. At Tet people present rice to wish for enough food, red fruits for happiness. Dogs are lucky animals. Their barking sounds like the “gold”. But one shouldn’t present a cat because its cry sounds like the Vietnamese word for poverty. Don’t eat shrimps. They move backwards and you will not succeed In the new year .
  15. Do They have the same New Year activities? No, They don’t
  16. 2.COMPLETING THE TABLE : Say who the following statements refer to. Number 1 is an example A. RUSS B. WU C. Mai Dogs are lucky animals. Their barking sounds like the “gold”. STATEMENTS WHO I often go to Times Square with my parents 1. A dog is a good present c to welcome the New Year. 2. The child welcomes the New Year at Times Square A They will give us lucky money in red envelopes. After that, we go out and have a day full of fun, 3. The child gets lucky money B good food and laughter . 4. Giving rice is wishing for enough food C At Tet people present rice to wish for enough food, red fruits for happiness. 5. The child dresses beautifully B I love the first day of the new year most 6. One shouldn’t eat shrimps at the New Year C After getting up we dress beautifully festival Don’t eat shrimps. They move backwards and you will not succeed In the new year .
  17. III.Speaking : The following practices and beliefs are from the passages in 1. Talk to your friends and say which one (s) you will do or won’t do this new year. ❖ Example : 1.Go to Times Square to welcome the new year →I won’t go to Times Square to welcome the new year. 2.Have a time full of fun →I will have a time full of fun. 3. Get lucky money from your parents. 4. Give your cousin a cat as a present. 5. Eat shrimps 6. Cheer and sing when the clock strikes midnight. 7. Dress beautifully 8. Watch fireworks
  18. WatchI will fireworksWatch fireworks I will Cheer and sing whenCheer the and clock sing strikes when themidnightclock strikes midnight GetI will luckyget money lucky from money your from mygrandparents grandparents New Year EatI will Shrimps not eat I Givewill not your give cousin your cousin Shrimps a acat cat asas present phamminhnhat.thcshthh@quangtri.edu.vn
  19. 4.Look at the list. Talk about what you should or shouldn’t do at Tet Ex : We should invite some friends to our home.
  20. 4.Look at the list. Talk about what you should or shouldn’t do at Tet A: We should make a wish. B: I agree. But we shouldn't get up early. C: No, we shouldn't. We should invite friends home, shouldn't we? D: Yes, I think we should.
  21. HOMEWORK ❖Write a list what you should and shouldn’t do on Tet holiday ❖- Prepare Skills 2