Đề thi Tốt nghiệp THPT môn Tiếng Anh - Phần 11 - Trương Văn Ánh

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  1. Đề thi Tốt nghiệp THPT 11 Trương Văn Ánh Trường Đại học Sài Gòn
  2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. educate B. continue C. refuse D. success Question 2: A. pushed B. dressed C. solved D. matched
  3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3: A. difficulty B. simplicity C. discovery D. commodity Question 4: A. obligatory B. geographical C. international D. undergraduate
  4. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 5. Sometimes life must be very unpleasant for ___ near the airport. A. those living B. someone to live C. they who live D. people live Question 6. Jump in the car. There's enough ___ for you. A. space B. place C. chair D. room Question 7. The climate of China is similar in many ways to ___. A. that of the United states B. which of the United States C. the United States D. this of the United States
  5. Question 8. What milk shake ___ do you want - strawberry, chocolate or orange? A. type B. taste C. kind D. flavor Question 9. She has just bought ___. A. a French old interesting painting B. an interesting old French painting C. a French interesting old painting D. an old interesting painting French Question 10. Her outgoing character contrasts ___with that of her sister's. A. fully B. sharply C. thoroughly D. coolly
  6. Question 11: It was announced that neither the passengers nor the driver ___ in the crash. A. were injured B. are injured C. was injured D. have been injured Question 12: The children had been ___ of the danger, but had taken no notice. A. warned B. explained C. prevented D. shown Question 13: The ___ of the bank where he worked was not in the center of the city. A. branch B. seat C. house D. piece
  7. Question 14: The child was told to ___ for being rude to his uncle. A. excuse B. apologize C. forgive D. confess Question 15: Because it rained very heavily all day they had to ___ the garden party until the following Saturday. A. pre-arrange B. postpone C. re-arrange D. preserve Question 16: The old houses were ___ down to make way for a block of flats. A. put B. hit C. banged D. knocked
  8. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. Question 17: Alice: “You look nice today. I like your new hairstyle.” Jane: “___ .” A. It’s nice of you to say so B. Shall I? Thanks. C. Oh, we done! D. I feel interesting to hear that. Question 18: Peter: “___” Mary: “That’s a good idea.” A. What about going out for a walk? B. Sorry, I’m late. C. What do you think about the film? D. Excuse me, where’s the bank?
  9. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) SIMILAR in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 19: When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or asking you. A. be related to B. be interested in C. pay all attention to D. express interest in Question 20: He drives me to the edge because he never stops talking. A. steers me B. irritates me C. moves me D. frightens me
  10. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 21: Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported the surplus. A. excess B. sufficiency C. small quantity D. large quantity Question 22: Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even exported the surplus. A. sufficiency B. large quantity C. small quantity D. excess
  11. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 23: (A) Despite of the increase in air fares, most people (B) still (C) prefer (D) to travel by plane. Question 24: Nancy said (A) that she (B) went (C) to the supermarket (D) before coming home. Question 25: (A) Even on the most (B) careful prepared (C) trip, problems (D) will sometimes develop.
  12. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 26. My father’s going to go up the wall when he finds out that I’ve lost the car keys. A. My father’s going to climb up the wall when he finds out that I’ve lost the car keys. B. My father’s going to be really angry when he finds out that I’ve lost the car keys. C. My father’s going to be really disappointed when he finds out that I’ve lost the car keys. D. My father’s going to forgive me when he finds out that I’ve lost the car keys.
  13. Question 27. People rumored that he had died in the battle. A. He was rumored to die in the batted. B. He was rumored to be died in the battle. C. He was rumored to have been assassinated in the battle. D. He was rumored to have died in the battle. Question 28. After 4 years abroad, he returned home as an excellent engineer. A. After he studied 4 years abroad, he returned home as an excellent engineer. B. After he has studied for 4 years abroad, he returned home as an excellent engineer. C. After he studied 4 years abroad, he returned home as an excellent engineer. D. After he had studied for 4 years abroad, he returned home as an excellent engineer.
  14. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 29: He is praised by his teacher. He smiles happily. A. Praised by his teacher, he smiled happily. B. Praised by his teacher, he has smiled happily. C. Praised by his teacher, he smiles happily. D. Praised by his teacher, he can smile happily. Question 30: The jeep could not move. It was hit by a shell. A. The jeep, hit by a shell, can not move. B. The jeep, hit by a shell, could not move. C. The jeep, hit by a shell, would not move. D. Both A and B.
  15. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. HIGH DAYS AND HOLIDAYS In the UK holidays began as religious festival days or ‘holy days’. The idea of a holiday as a ‘no-work’ day seems to have first (31)___ around five hundred years ago. In 1871 the Bank Holidays Act established certain days when, by law, banks closed. Bank Holidays soon became public holidays, but by (32)___, not law. In fact, working people rarely took holidays. For many people, paid holidays remained a (33)___ until the second half of the twentieth century. Instead, people enjoyed outings for the day to nearby places.
  16. The (34)___ of the railways made it possible for working people and their families to go further afield on their day trips, although wealthy people had, for many years, taken holidays. As soon as outings became possible for more people, crowds of them travelled to the seaside. Seaside towns started to boom. Piers were built out over the sea, funfairs opened and boat trips were (35)___ by local fishermen. Many of the towns that benefited from all these day trippers were near to large cities or were at the end of railway lines.
  17. Question 31: A. appeared B. grown C. arrived D. come Question 32: A. tradition B. habit C. practice D. desire Question 33: A. prize B. comfort C. reward D. luxury Question 34: A. rise B. increase C. growth D. size Question 35: A. raised B. offered C. done D. performed
  18. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Perhaps it was his own lack of adequate schooling that inspired Horace Mann to work so hard for the important reforms in education that he accomplished. While he was still a boy, his father and older brother died, and he became responsible for supporting his family. Like most of the children in his town, he attended school only two or three months a year. Later, with the help of several teachers, he was able to study law and became a member of the Massachusetts bar, but he never forgot those early struggles.
  19. While serving in Massachusetts legislature, he signed a historic education bill that set up a state board of education. Without regret, he gave up his successful legal practice and political career to become the first secretary of the board. There he exercised an enormous influence during the critical period of reconstruction that brought into existence the American graded elementary school as substitute for the older distinct school system. Under his leadership, the curriculum was restructured, the school year was increased to a minimum of six months, and mandatory schooling was extended to age sixteen.
  20. Other important reforms included the establishment of state normal schools for teacher training, institutes for in-service teacher education, and lyceums for adult education. He was also instrument in improving salaries for teachers and creating school libraries. Mann’s ideas about school reform were developed and distributed in twelve annual reports to the state of Massachusetts that he wrote during his tenure as secretary of education. Considered quite radical at the time, the Massachusetts reforms later served as a model for the nation. Mann was recognized as the father of public education.
  21. Question 36: Which of the following titles would best express the main topic of the passage ? A. The Father of American Public Education B. Philosophy of Education C. The Massachusetts State Board of Education. D. Politics of Educational Institutions Question 37: Which of the following describes Horace Mann’s early life ? A. He attended school six months a year. B. He had to study alone, without help. C. He supported his family after his father died. D. He was an only child.
  22. Question 38: The word “struggles” in line 5 could best be replaced by A. valuable experiences B. happy situations C. influential people D. difficult times Question 39: The word “regret” in line 7 could best be replaced by A. consideration B. feeling sorry C. limitation D. acceptance Question 40: The word “mandatory” in line 10 is closest in meaning to A. required B. equal C. excellent D. basic
  23. Question 41: The reforms that Horace Mann achieved were A. not radical for the time. B. used only by the state of Massachusetts C. adopted by the nation as a model. D. enforced by the Massachusetts bar. Question 42: Which of the following statements best represents Mann’s philosophy ? A. Think in new way B. Help others C. Study very hard D. Work hard
  24. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Most people think that lions only come from Africa. This is understandable because in fact most lions do come from there but this has not always been the case. If we went back ten thousand years, we would find that there were lions roaming vast sections of the globe. However now, unfortunately only a very small section of the lion's former habitat remains.
  25. Asiatic lions are sub-species of African lions. It is almost a hundred thousand years since the Asiatic lions split off and developed as a sub-species. At one time the Asiatic lion was living as far west as Greece and they were found from there, but in a band that spreads east through various countries of the Middle East, all the way to India. In museums now, you can see Greek coins that have clear images of the Asiatic lion on them. Most of them are dated at around 500 B.C. However, Europe saw its last Asiatic lions roaming free two thousand years ago. Over the next nineteen hundred years the numbers of Asiatic lions in the other areas declined steadily, but it was only in the nineteenth century that they disappeared from everywhere but in India.
  26. The Gir Wildlife Sanctuary in India was established especially to protect the Asiatic lion. There are now around three hundred Asiatic lions in India and almost all of them are in this sanctuary. However, despite living in a sanctuary, which makes them safe from hunters, they still face a number of problems that threaten their survival. One of these is the ever-present danger of disease. This is what killed more than a third of Africa’s Serengeti lions in 1994, and people are fearful that something similar could happen in the Gir Sanctuary and kill off many of the Asiatic lions there.
  27. India's lions are particular vulnerable because they have a limited gene pool. The reason for this is interesting - it is because all of them are descended from a few dozen lions that were saved by a prince who took a particular interest in them. He was very healthy, and he managed to protect them; otherwise they would probably have died out completely. When you see the Asiatic lion in India, what you sense is enormous vitality. They are very impressive animals and you would never guess that they have this vulnerability when you look at them.
  28. Question 43: According to the passage, many people believe that lions come from ___. A. Europe B. Africa C. Middle East D. India Question 44: The phrase "split off" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___. A. changed the original species B. divided C. developed into different species D. spotted animals Question 45: According to the passage, nowadays we can find the Asiatic lion ___. A. in Africa and India B. only in Greek museums C. nowhere in the world D. only in India
  29. Question 46: The word "vulnerable" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ___. A. cautious B. weak C. careless D. easily protected Question 47: According to the author, the Gir Wildlife Sanctuary ___. A. protects the Asiatic lion from hunters and diseases B. can make the Asiatic lion become weak C. cannot reduce the Asiatic lion's risk of catching diseases D. is among many places where the Asiatic lion is well protected Question 48: The author refers to all of the following as characteristics of the Asiatic lion EXCEPT ___. A. vital B. strong C. impressive D. vulnerable
  30. Question 49: The following statements are correct EXCEPT that ___. A. a rich prince sponsored the protection of Asiatic lions B. the current Asiatic lions come from a great number of lions C. the Asiatic lion was loved by a wealthy prince D. although the Asiatic lion looks strong from appearance they are easily attacked by diseases Question 50: The passage was written to ___. A. provide an overview of the existence of the Asiatic lions B. describe the developmental history of the Gir Sanctuary C. persuade readers to protect the Asiatic lions D. explain why the Gir Sanctuary is the best habitat for the Asiatic lions
  31. Good luck!